Attorney Robert Zitowsky Lawyer

Family Law Attorney

Attorney Robert Zitowsky Lawyer


Divorce can be a difficult process and having a caring, reasonably priced lawyer representing you is important. Attorney Robert Zitowsky can work out your settlement without unnecessary costs and expenses. Robert is firm and aggressive when it comes to family law disputes that cannot be resolved outside the courtroom. He has been representing clients in family law cases since 1983. In all cases he works carefully to obtain a fair and reasonable marital settlement and/or judgment.

Attorney Robert Zitowsky's goal is to resolve disputes for his clients in an economical and collaborative manner. He has a great deal of experience working with Family Court Services and with guardian-ad-litems who represent the children when there is a placement dispute. Totally dissolving the marriage relation in Wisconsin does not require proving fault on either husband or wife. Here in Wisconsin all that is necessary is to show the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage or irreconcilable differences.

If you would like to discuss your family law situation please call Attorney Robert Zitowsky for a FREE consultation at 608-257-3888.

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